Combat Master

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Combat Master Your entire life you've never known the power of your own Strength, but now you are a true Master. High chance of melee attack being critical hits and does 10 more base damage, and you gain additional crit power from Strength. However, you lose your traits.

Class Perk
Combat Master
Level Requirement

  • +30 Melee damage
  • +125% to critical chance on Melee attacks
  • Using Critical tabel for 2h range weapons.
  • For each Strength +1 Critical Power
  • Lose all traits
  • For each Fury stacks will gets +6 critical power
  • Strike: on 20 range move next to target
  • Ignore Melee Protection for 10 sec after strike
  • Battle timer on getting hit its 90% shorter(attack still 10/30)
  • Uses Ranged Critical hit table when using melee weapons (so your crits are stronger)
  • Taking Gifted or Bloody Mess before taking Combat Master is bad idea.
Gain Special Bonus
Gain Strength +5 Critical power.
Negative Class Scaling
Luck -1 to all DR
Basic Critical Power
Favorite Weapon
Hammers +30 Melee damage
PvE Ability
Increase Lifesteal cap to 50% against NPCs
San Francisco

Where to obtain
It can be obtained through dialog with an NPC in the San Francisco building above Dr.fungs clinic Cmloc.jpg