Level perks

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Level perks are perks which work in the same way as their counterparts from the original Fallout games.

A player is given the possibility of gaining one level perk every 3 levels, last is on 27 level and player can delay choose of it till 29 level, Chosen One Class perk have extra 2 level Perks

Note: Level perks work off your permanent S.P.E.C.I.A.L so if want to take Adrenaline Rush, you will need real 6 Charisma (base + perks + implants) it doesn't effect temporary special like from Drugs or Armor Perks.
If perk require other stat than special like Melee Damage you can boost your stats by drugs or other temporary source.
It is worth mentioning however that SPECIAL Boy Perk Synergy allows you to use temporary S.P.E.C.I.A.L sources as if those were permanent, thus giving you more freedom in your character's build creation.

A full list of level perks:

Name Req.
Other requirements Bonus
Action Boy 12 AGILITY ≥ 6
Adrenaline Rush 3 CHARISMA ≥ 6
  • HP loss effects DT's and DR's incremental increase at certain thresholds
  • Gives 8% Slow Resistance per CH
Atomic Savant 9 ENDURANCE ≥ 6
  • Reduces damage from temporal effects based on the percentage of Damage Resistance.
  • Bleed effects are mitigated by Normal DR, Poison by Plasma DR, and Burn by Fire DR.
  • +8% Plasma Damage Resistance.
Awareness 3 PERCEPTION ≥ 6
  • Provides information about targets:
    • Damage type they use
    • Target's DT/DR against your damage type
    • Critical chance, including target resistances
  • +5% maximum chance to hit
  • +25 Sneak detection
  • Ability to check who is in the world map zone
  • Put auto marker on sneaker position after he shots in 50 hexes range
Better Criticals 12 LUCK ≥ 8
  • Increase Critical Power by 25%
  • Increase Critical Damage by 50% for aimed attacks
Better HtH Criticals 15 STRENGTH ≥ 8
  • +33% Critical Power for using melee weapons
  • +75% Critical Damage for using melee weapons
  • Penetrates 20% critical chance resistance
Bonus Battle Stats 6 PERCEPTION ≥ 6
  • +15% Damage,
  • +3 Weapon range(not melee),
  • +50 Accuracy
Bonus HtH Attacks 18 AGILITY ≥ 8
  • -1 AP to HtH attack cost
  • +8 Turnbased Attacks
Bonus HtH Damage 3 STRENGTH ≥ 5
  • +10 to melee damage
  • Shortens battle timer by 30%
Bonus Move 3 AGILITY ≥ 6
Bonus Ranged Damage 9 PERCEPTION ≥ 6
  • +3 to your weapon's damage per bullet when using small or big guns
  • Lowers the targets DT by 1
Bonus Rate of Fire 18 AGILITY ≥ 8
  • -1 AP to ranged attack cost, except if throwing melee-class items
Coolheaded 3 CHARISMA ≥ 6
Cowboy 6 AGILITY ≥ 8
  • +50 AP Regen while using one handed weapons (all weapons)
  • Reduces Pistol attack speed time by 40%
  • +10% more range for pistols
Cult of Personality 12 CHARISMA ≥ 8
  • Ignores negative effects of reputation
  • Increases party points by 100
  • Doubles the rate of gaining or losing reputation
  • Increases damage by 40% based on reputation:
    • If your highest reputation is Raider, you deal 40% more damage against those with the highest Wastelander reputation
    • If your highest reputation is Wastelander, you deal 40% more damage against those with the highest Raider reputation
    • If your Wastelander and Raider reputations are equal, you deal 40% more damage to others in the same situation
Death Sense 6 LUCK ≥ 6
  • Penetrates 20% of the targets total DR
  • Penetrates 30% of the targets total DT
  • Affect targets with less than 50% max HP
Demolition Boy 9 STRENGTH ≥ 6
  • 10% more damage from area effects and 1 more radius in area effects.
Dodger 3 AGILITY ≥ 8
  • +150 to AC
  • +25 to AC Cap
  • Damage done from distance longer than 40 hexes do only 50% damage
Earlier Sequence 3 PERCEPTION ≥ 5
  • +30 to Sequence
  • Increases your AC mod by +25.
Even More Criticals 6 LUCK ≥ 8
Fast Attacks 9 AGILITY ≥ 6
  • -200 Attack Speed
Faster Healing 3 ENDURANCE ≥ 6
Firefighter 3 INTELLIGENCE ≥ 6
  • Extra 15 Fire and Explode DT with a cap
  • -35% melee damage for opponent
  • Immune for Pyromaniac Bonuses
  • 8% confusion res per INT
Gain Agility 3 AGILITY ≤ 19
Gain Charisma 3 CHARISMA ≤ 19
Gain Endurance 3 ENDURANCE ≤ 19
Gain Intelligence 3 INTELLIGENCE ≤ 19
Gain Luck 3 LUCK ≤ 19
Gain Perception 3 PERCEPTION ≤ 19
Gain Strength 3 STRENGTH ≤ 19
Ghost 6 PERCEPTION ≥ 6
  • +100 bonus to Sneak when within 5 hexes from a wall
  • Convert 10% of damage to Lethal Damage, doubled on critical hit
  • Convert all bonus damage per bullet into Lethal Damage
Healer 3 ENDURANCE ≥ 6
Heave Ho! 6 STRENGTH ≥ 6
  • +6 to Throwing Range
  • +30% DR penetration for throwing
Hit and Run 6 AGILITY ≥ 6
  • Doubles MS when attack or use first aid/doctor on target for 3 sec when use Melee or throwing.
  • Halves the duration of Slow on you.
Hit the Gaps 12 CHARISMA ≥ 8
  • -80% to your target's armor's critical modifiers
In Your Face! 9 AGILITY ≥ 6
  • Attackers' chance to hit you drops by 50% if s/he is standing on a hex next to yours
  • Lowers opponent's bounty power by 1
Iron Limbs 3 AGILITY ≥ 6
  • Immune for Criple limb
  • immune for weapon drop
  • 8% criple res per AG
  • Also known as Iron Grip
Lethal Protection 12 PERCEPTION ≥ 6
  • Reduce % Lethal Damage as damage resistance
  • 8% death effect res per PE
Lifegiver 12 ENDURANCE ≥ 5
  • +6 Endurance for HP calculation
Livewire 3 AGILITY ≥ 6
  • Doubled AC
  • Lower attacker lethality by 5%
Living Anatomy 12 INTELLIGENCE ≥ 6
Man of Steel 15 ENDURANCE ≥ 8
More Critical 3 LUCK ≥ 6
  • +6% to critical hit chance
  • +1% from aimed bonus critical chance (Need clarification as to what this means)
More Ranged Damage 15 PERCEPTION ≥ 8
  • +5 to a weapon's damage per bullet when using small or big guns
Muscular Physique 18 ENDURANCE ≥ 8
  • Reduces enemy Damage Multiplier by 14%.
  • +5% Damage Protection during battle.
  • +6% Electro Damage Resistance.
Party Member 3 CHARISMA ≥ 6
  • Increases healing for allies by 33%
  • Reduces friendly-fire damage by 80%
  • Increases damage by 5% for faction members/NPC companions on the map
  • Increases damage protection by 1% for faction members/NPC companions on the map
Phantom Presence 18 LUCK ≥ 8
Pyromaniac 9 ENDURANCE ≥ 6
  • +75% to damage when using Fire weaponry
Quick Pockets 3 AGILITY ≥ 5
  • Half Reload cost
  • -1 AP Cost for using super stimpak or bloodpack
Quick Recovery 3 LUCK ≥ 6
  • Recovering from knock downs/knock outs costs significantly fewer APs than it normally would
  • 8% AP Drain Res per LK
Right between the Eyes 15 PERCEPTION ≥ 8
  • -90% to your target's helmet's critical modifiers
Sharpshooter 9 PERCEPTION ≥ 8
  • +2 to Perception when determining how far you can see,
  • Double your Accuracy
  • 1-10% DR Penetration
Silent Running 6 AGILITY ≥ 6
  • Attacking a critter from behind always causes a critical hit when unarmed,
    using melee weapons or firing one-handed guns.
  • No penalty for running while in sneak mode.
Spray and Pray 6 LUCK ≥ 6
Stonewall 9 STRENGTH ≥ 6
  • 8% per ST chance of avoiding knock-downs
  • Immune to knockback
Surgeon 3 INTELLIGENCE ≥ 6
  • +50 negative HP cap
  • Recover +2 APs after use doctor or first aids
  • Attacker luck doesnt increase tempo of destroying your armor
  • Put auto marker on team-mate on negative hp
Toughness 6 ENDURANCE ≥ 4
  • +4 to DT, +12 to DR
  • Lower one-hex damage from bursts by 25%
Undetected 3 CHARISMA ≥ 6
  • Gain 15 Stealth
  • Reduce opponent sneak detection by 33%
Vampire 9 ENDURANCE ≥ 8
Weapon Handling 3 CHARISMA ≥ 6