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Class Perk
Level Requirement

  • +3 Intelligence
  • +50% First Aid
  • +50% Doctor
  • +100 Armor Class
  • -10 AC mod for attackers
  • 3 seconds cooldown on First Aid and Doctor
  • Ability to revive people (Base cooldown for revive is 480 seconds)
  • For each Intelligence: -5 seconds Cooldown on revive
  • You deal -50% Total damage
  • Healing others gives them temporary 0,5% Damage Protection per stack
  • Revive gives revived player 10 stacks of Damage Protection buff
  • -0,5% Movement speed per fury stack
  • Medic perk reduces base cooldown of revive to 280 and makes Intelligence give: -10 seconds off cooldown of reviving.
  • On Revive cooldown you can't use the Doctor Skill
Gain Special Bonus
Gain Intelligence -25 seconds on reviving cooldown.
Negative Class Scaling
Perception -3 to heals
Basic Critical Power
Favorite Weapon
Fast Pistols +25% more healing to target
PvE Ability
Doubles FA effect on NPCs
Salt Lake City