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Modifies Chance of being detected while sneaking
Initial level 5% + 3 x Agility
Related perks Silent Running, Ghost, Thief, Ninja, Assassin, Scout
Related traits Small Frame

"Quiet movement, and the ability to remain unnoticed. If successful, you will be much harder to locate. You cannot run and sneak at the same time, unless you take Silent Running perk."

Sneak allows a player to become totally invisible, unless he performs an attack. If he has the Silent Running perk, he can even run while being sneaked, which allows him to infiltrate enemy lines, for example. However, players can see you if you get too close to them, depending on many things (See the Modifiers section for more information).

Note: You can enter Turn-Based combat sneaked, but if you are not Assassin you can't enter sneak once Turn-Based combat has started.


The stealth parameter defines the bonus to a character's sneak ability, influenced by stats, perks, traits, equipment, and environmental conditions. Here’s a detailed explanation, including specific values for each contributing factor:

Stealth positive:

- +1 for 6 sneak skill
- +16 for assassin battle timer
- +4 for Strength (deathclaw)
- +20 for gain Strength (deathclaw)
- +4 for any leather armor including navy/stealth armors
- + (-2) to 14 Sneaky perk
- +10 to 80 Sneaky perk(hubo)
- +15 Undetected perk
- +20 Ninja and (+20 on Ghost effect)
- +4 War Event SQ
- +8 Super Regen
- +4 Camo
- +8 Military Camo
- +16 Stealthboy (+4 on ghost effect)
- +25 Stealthboy mk2 (+4 on Ghost effect)
- +33 Stealthboy mk3 (+8 on Ghost effect)
- +33 Shadow Veil Implant (+8 on Ghost effect)
- +8 Cannibal Radiated Ear(+24 chem reliant regualator)
- +8 Ghost no move
- +8 no move

Stealth negative:

- -1 for agility
- -1 for endurance(scout)
- -8 for robes(t1/t2/t3/t4)
- -100 for metal or combat armor(include power armors)
- -4 for no armor
- -16 running

Weapons Stealth Bonuses and Penalties:

Weapon Type Stealth Bonus Weapon Stealth Bonus
Fast Pistols 10 Signal Pistol 0
Range Pistols 5 Solar Scorcher 0
Damage Pistols 10 Fire Rifle -25
Sniper Rifles -25 Alien Blaster 20
Shotguns -10 Pyro Rifle -10
Assault Rifles -25 Heat Machine -35
Explosive Small Guns -10 Laser Pistol 5
Support Rifles -10 Magneto Pistol 10
Small Machine Guns (SMG) 0 Laser Rifle -5
Flamers -30 Gatling Laser -35
Rocket Launchers -25 Commisar Pistol 10
Miniguns -40 Turbolaser 5
Heavy Sniper Rifles 0 Plasma Pistol 10
Machine Gun -35 Plasma Pistol MK.II 15
Clubes 25 Plasma SMG -10
Fast Knives 30 Plasma Rifle -5
Damage Knives 35 Turbo Plasma Rifle -5
Punch Weapons 10 Plasma Gatling -40
Hammers 20 Electro Zipgun 5
Spears 15 Pulse Pistol 10
Alien weapons


ELECTRO Rocket Launcher -25
Prototype 14 -10
Pulse Rifle -10

Capped at 166 when you are not scout

Actions that make you visible again

The following actions may remove your sneak, and make you visible again to your enemies' eyes.

- Attacking.
- Running (If you haven't taken the Silent Running perk).
- Wearing a powered armor, as said above (PA, APA, etc).
- Looting containers and bodies by "take all".
- Looting bodies while sneaked has 50% chance of desneaking.
- Picking up items from the ground while sneaked demands successful steal test. The weight is checked.
- When using Pickup All hotkey.
- Mining or chopping wood.
- Dismantling items.
- Active Motion Sensor reveals all critters in 15 hexes radius (whether behind a wall or not). It consumes Small Energy Cells and Micro Fusion Cells. Use Science on it to see remaining charges.


FoV - (Sneak - Sneak Detection) = Distance when you start see sneaker

To count sight:

- 20 as base
- +3 per Perception(capped at 20 Perception)
- +6 for Sharpshooter
- +11 for Tacticals combat implant
- +10 for WE FoV/Super Range
- +1 for critical chance(Bounty Hunter)
- +2 to +16 for Bonus Perception
- +12 to +26 for Bonus Perception(Hubo)
- +5 Rad Eye cannibal drugs
- +20 Navy Armor trait
- +25 Stealth Armor trait
- +33 Stealth Armor MKII trait
- +15 Mordino Armor trait
- +5/-5 for randomboy roll
- -2 for confusion
- -50% for leader

Remember that sight is limited how person look

- 100% on front
- 80% on sidefront
- 50% on sideback
- 20% on back

To count sneak detection:

- +4 for WE FoV
- +8 for Super Range
- +1 for charisma(cyborg Tactical 3)
- +5 for gain charisma(cyborg Tactical 3)
- -1 for INT
- +1 for PE if wearing binoculars
- +35 RobCo Sensor(not working vs Shadow Veil Implant)
- +25 for Awareness perk
- -33% if target have Undetected perk


306 sneak = 51

ghost standing stealthboy = 44

S+ sneaky perk = 14

WE perks = 24

cannibal = 8

ninja = 8

on battle timer u would have 166 = cap

vs bh max sight with robco sensor

FoV: 198

Sneak Detection: 80

166 - 80 - 86

198 - 86 = 112

you can see best non-scout sneak for 112 hexes