Weapon perks

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Equipped weapon gains experience as you kill NPCs or use Upgrade Parts on it. Upon gaining enough experience it will unlock new perks and their color will change.

First three perks on tier 3 gear are always predefined. Some tier 4 items have random perks even on first three levels.
Fourth perk you are able to chose by dialog window once you unlock it. Exception to this is when you level your weapon by Upgrade Parts then perk will be random.
Fifth perk is always random.
Sixth perk (so called "legendary") is picked from different table of perks instead of regular one. Legednary perks works only against NPCs.
Every weapon can be upgraded by Roger or Cotsford (Vegas) to gain one additional perk.

Weapons perks have ranks that dictate how strong they are, and are mostly based on Item Luck.

Weapon perk availability

Random, Level 4, Event - defines on which type of weapons can be perk obtained randomly, when reaching level 4 or by dialog during event

Perk Name Available Random Level 4 Event
Ammo Upgrade Ranged Ranged Ranged None
Bloody Melee ? Melee ?
Bonus Critical Power All All All All
Bonus Max Damage All All All All
Bonus Min Damage All All All All
Bonus Attack Speed All Ranged None None
Damage per Bullet Ranged Ranged Ranged All
Less AP cost All Melee Melee None
Chip Shot All All All All
Destroyer All Ranged Ranged None
Fast Trigger All All All All
Frozen Queen All Melee Melee None
Killing Spree All All All All
Knockback All All None All
Life Steal Melee Melee Melee All
Long Range All Ranged Ranged None
Bonus Critical Chance All All All All
More Critical Damage All None None None
Penetrate All All All None
Poison All Melee Melee None
Scoped Ranged Ranged Ranged All
Spiked Melee Melee None None
Smasher! Melee Melee Melee None
Lethal Damage All All All All

List of weapon perks

Ammo Upgrade

Increase weapon's ammo mods
F E D C B A S S+
AC Mod -1 0 +1 +3 +5 +10 +20 +50
Damage Mod -5% +1% +3% +6% +12% +20% +30% +45%
AC Mod 0 +2 +4 +8 +15 +25 +35 +100
Damage Mod +1% +5% +10% +15% +20% +40% +60% +100%
DT mod -1% -2% -5% -10% -15% -18% -25% -40%


Increase bleed damage and apply stacks on Critical Hits
F E D C B A S S+
Bleed Damage -10% +5% +10% +30% +50% +100% +200% +500%
Bleed stacks 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2
Hubologist Atomic Savant + More Critical
Bleed Damage +5% +10% +30% +50% +100% +200% +500% +800%
Bleed stacks 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4
Perks - - - * * * ** **

Bonus Critical Power

Increase Critical Roll and Power
F E D C B A S S+
Critical Roll -5 +5 +10 +15 +20 +30 +45 +80
Critical Power -5% 0 0 +5% +10% +15% +25% +40%
Hubologist Better Criticals + Hit the Gaps + Spray and Pray
Critical Roll +5 +10 +20 +35 +50 +75 +100 +250
Critical Power 0 0 +5% +10% +25% +40% +50% +75%
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***

Bonus Max Damage

Increase Max weapon damage and grants DT Penetration
F E D C B A S S+
Max Damage -5% +5% +10% +13% +19% +24% +35% +50%
DT penetration 0 0 +1% +3% +5% +10% +20% +30%
Hubologist Bonus Battle Stats + Firefighter
Max Damage +5% +10% +14% +20% +33% +40% +60% +75%
DT penetration 0 +3% +5% +10% +20% +30% +50% +100%
Perks - - - - * * ** **

Bonus Min Damage

Increase Max weapon damage and grants DR Penetration(Normal
F E D C B A S S+
Min Damage -5% +5% +10% +15% +24% +30% +40% +65%
DR penetration 0 +1% +3% +5% +7% +10% +12% +15%
Hubologist Pyromaniac + Firefighter
Min Damage +5% +10% +15% +24% +30% +40% +65% +100%
DR penetration +1% +3% +5% +7% +10% +12% +15% +25%
Perks - - - - * * ** **

Bonus Attack Speed

Decrease Attack Delay and lower slow's effect on attack delay
F E D C B A S S+
Attack Delay +5% 0 -5% -8% -10% -15% -20% -35%
Slow AD Protection 0 +5 +10 +15 +20 +30 +45 +60
Hubologist Bonus Rate of Fire + Cowboy + Fast Attacks
Attack Delay 0 -5% -8% -10% -15% -20% -35% -50%
Slow AD Protection +5 +10 +15 +20 +30 +45 +60 +100
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***

Damage per Bullet

Increase damage per bullet and increase damage multi
F E D C B A S S+
Damage per bullet -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Damage Multi -3% +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% +8% +10%
Hubologist Bonus Ranged Damage + More Ranged Damage + Death Sense
Damage per bullet 0 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +10 {{{9}}}
Damage Multi +1% +2% +4% +6% +10% +15% +20% +25%
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***

Less AP cost

Decrease reload AP cost and weapon AP cost
F E D C B A S S+
Reload AP cost +1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Weapon AP cost +1 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -2
Hubologist Bonus HtH Attacks + Bonus HtH Damage + Vampire
Reload AP cost -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 free free
Weapon AP cost -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -4
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***

Chip Shot

Gives Critical Chance Penetration and increase chance to apply critical effect
F E D C B A S S+
Critical Chance Penetration -5% +5% +10% +15% +25% +33% +45% +60%
Chance to apply critical effect -5% +5% +10% +15% +25% +33% +45% +60%
Hubologist Hit the Gaps + Spray and Pray
Critical Chance Penetration +5% +10% +15% +25% +33% +45% +60% +100%
Chance to apply critical effect +5% +10% +15% +25% +33% +45% +60% +100%
Perks - - - * * * ** **


Reduce target DR and gives Lethality
F E D C B A S S+
Target DR +5% -2% -5% -8% -14% -18% -25% -33%
Lethality 0% 0% +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% +6%
Hubologist Gunner + Living Anatomy + Weapon Handling
Target DR -3% -6% -9% -15% -19% -26% -34% -50%
Lethality +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% +6% +7% +8%
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***

Fast Trigger

Increase AP and AP Regen
F E D C B A S S+
Action Points 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2
AP Regen -10 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Hubologist Action Boy + Bonus Move + Gain Agility
Action Points 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
AP Regen 10 15 20 25 30 35 50 75
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***

Frozen Queen

Apply 60% Slow and confusion
F E D C B A S S+
Slow duration 0 1s 2s 3s 3s 3s 4s 4s
Confusion stacks 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
Slow duration 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s 8s 8s
Confusion stacks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Bounty stacks 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

Killing Spree

Regen 20% AP and Regen HP on kill
F E D C B A S S+
AP Regen works for None +PvP +PvP +PvP +PvP +PvE +PvE +PvE
HP Regen on kill -5% +5% +7% +10% +15% +20% +25% +30%
Hubologist Quick Pockets + Faster Healing + Gain Endurance
AP Regen works for +PvP +PvP +PvE +PvE +PvE +PvE +PvE +PvE
HP Regen on kill +5% +7% +10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 50%
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***


Gain knockback effect on critical hit and Penetrate Damage Protection
F E D C B A S S+
Knockback distance -1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4
Penetrate Damage Protection -2% +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% +6% +7%
Hubologist Spray and Pray + Hit the Gaps + Better Criticals
Knockback distance +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +50 +50
Penetrate Damage Protection +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% +6% +7% +8%
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***

Life Steal

Gain Melee Life Steal and decrease max accuracy for opponents on one hex
F E D C B A S S+
Melee Life Steal 0 +4% +9% +18% +25% +33% +50% +75%
Max accuracy for opponents on one hex +5% -3% -5% -10% -15% -25% -33% -50%
Hubologist Vampire + In Your Face!
Melee Life Steal +4% +9% +18% +25% +33% +50% +75% +100%
Max accuracy for opponents on one hex -3% -5% -10% -15% -25% -33% -50% -75%
Perks - - - * * * ** **

Long Range

Increase minimal and max accuracy, reduce dystance penatly to 1 and Reduce Aimed Attack Delay penatly
F E D C B A S S+
Min and max accuracy -4% +4% +8% +12% +16% +20% +24% +28%
Reduce Aimed Attack Delay penatly 0 -5% -10% -15% -25% -33% -50% -75%
Hubologist Sharpshooter + Right Between the Eyes + Quick Recovery
Min and max accuracy +5% +10% +15% +20% +25% +30% +35% +40%
Reduce Aimed Attack Delay penatly -5% -10% -15% -25% -33% -50% -75% -100%
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***

Bonus Critical Chance

Increase Critical Chance and gain Critical Power Resistance Penetration
F E D C B A S S+
Critical Chance -4% +4% +6% +8% +10% +16% +22% +30%
Critical Power Resistance Penetration 0 +3% +6% +9% +12% +15% +18% +21%
Hubologist More Critical + Even More Criticals + Gain Luck
Critical Chance -+4% +6% +8% +10% +16% +22% +30% +40%
Critical Power Resistance Penetration +3% +6% +9% +12% +15% +18% +21% +25%
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***

More Critical Damage

Increase Critical Damage and apply weakness stacks
F E D C B A S S+
Critical Damage -1-10% +2-25% +3-30% +4-35% +5-40% +6-45% +7-50% +8-50%
Weakness stacks 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 50
Hubologist Better Criticals + Even More Criticals
Critical Damage +7-39% +10-49% +13-59% +16-75% +20-100% +33-150% +50-200% +50-200%
Weakness stacks 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100
Perks - - - * * * ** **


Increase DT penetration and increase 1hex damage for burst
F E D C B A S S+
DT penetration -5% +5% +10% +15% +20% +25% +33% +50%
1hex damage 0% +3% +8% +20% +33% +50% +66% +75%
Hubologist Death Sense + More Ranged Damage + Bonus Ranged Damage
DT penetration +10% +15% +20% +25% +33% +50% +75% +100%
1hex damage +8% +20% +33% +50% +66% +75%% +100%% +125%
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***


Apply Poison and increase ammo heal value
F E D C B A S S+
Poison 0 0-10 0-20 5-30 10-40 15-50 20-60 25-70
ammo heal value -10% +10% +20% +30% +40% +50% +60% +70%
Hubologist Better HtH Criticals + In Your Face! + Gain Strength
Poison 5-10 10-20 15-30 20-40 25-50 30-60 35-70 40-80
ammo heal value +25% +40% +55% +70% +85% +100% +115% 130%
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***


Increase weapon range(Ranged Weapons) and increase AC mod of target
F E D C B A S S+
Weapon range -1 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
AC mod of target 0 0 0 +5 +10 +15 +20 +25
Hubologist Sharpshooter + Right Between the Eyes + Quick Recovery
Weapon range +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16
AC mod of target +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***


Increase melee critical damage and melee power
F E D C B A S S+
Melee critical damage -0-5% +0-15% +0-30% +5-45% +10-60% +15-75% +20-90% +25-105%
Melee power 0 +2% +5% +9% +14% +20% +27% +35%
Hubologist Better HtH Criticals + In Your Face! + Gain Strength
Melee critical damage +5-15% +10-30% +15-45% +20-60% +25-75% +30-90% +35-105% +40-120%
Melee power +5% +9% +14% +20% +27% +35% +44% +54%
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***


Increase Heavy Handed malus and Melee Damage
F E D C B A S S+
Melee Damage -5 0 +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12
Heavy Handed malus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
Hubologist Bonus HtH Attacks + Bonus HtH Damage + Vampire
Melee Damage +3 +6 +9 +12 +15 +18 +21 +24
Heavy Handed malus +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***

Lethal Damage

Increase Lethal Damage and covert damage into lethal damage
F E D C B A S S+
Lethal Damage -5 0 +4 +8 +12 +16 +20 +24
Conversion 1% 3% 6% 10% 15% 21% 28% 36%
Hubologist Gunner + Living Anatomy + Weapon Handling
Lethal Damage +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40
Conversion 10% 15% 21% 28% 36% 45% 55% 66%
Perks - - * * ** ** *** ***

List of legendary weapon perks

A legendary item gives all bonuses up until its rank.

More Bonus Damage

F +50% damage against NPCs
E +20% DR Penetration against NPCs
D +10% slow weapon break
C +50% damage against NPCs(sums with F)
B x20% damage against NPCs
A +33% DT Penetration against NPCs
S +30% DR Penetration against NPCs(sums with E)
S+ +100% damage against NPCs(sums with F and C)
S++ +15% Lethality

Lethal Upgrade

F +25 Lethal Damage against NPCs
E +20% Lethal Penetration against NPCs
D +10% slow weapon break
C +25 Lethal Damage against NPCs(sums with F)
B Deal 1% of Max NPC's HP
A Restore 20% AP after kill NPCs
S +30% Lethal Penetration against NPCs(sums with E)
S+ 50 Lethal Damage against NPCs(sums with F and C)
S++ Deal 5% of Max NPC's HP(stacks with B)

Critical Master

F +25% Critical Chance against NPCs
E +20% Critical Chance Penetration against NPCs
D +10% slow weapon break
C +25% Critical Chance against NPCs(sums with F)
B Deal Critical Damage equal to Critical Chance against NPCs
A Critical hits against NPCs are upgraded by 1 bracket
S +30% Critical Chance Penetration against NPCs(sums with E)
S+ +50% Critical Chance against NPCs(sums with F and C)
S++ Criticals Hits against NPCs have minimal critical table set as 5


F +10% lifesteal against NPCs
E +20% HP Restore after kill NPCs
D +10% slow weapon break
C +10% lifesteal against NPCs(sums with F)
B Lifesteal can heal on poisoned NPCs
A Lifesteal against NPCs can heal over max HP for 2 sec
S +30% HP Restore after kill NPCs(sums with E)
S+ +20% lifesteal against NPCs(sums with F and C)
S++ Gain a 1 sec immunity after kill 10 NPCs

Alien Perks

Critical Beast

F add to target 25% DR
E Ignores critical chance resistance
D add to target 25% DR(Stack with F)
C Ignores critical roll resistance
B Ignores critical power resistance
A Increase Critical Bracket by 1
S Increase Critical Bracket by 1(Stack with A)
S+ Increase Critical Damage by 50%


F Decrease chance for critical by 15%
E Ignores DT
D Decrease chance for critical by 15%(Stack with F)
C Ignores DR
B Ignores Damage Protection
A +33% Damage
S +33% Damage(Stack with A)
S+ +34% Damage(Stack with A and S)

Double Range

F Decrease accuracy by 45%
E Add 4 weapon Range
D Decrease accuracy by 45%(Stack with F)
C Add 4 weapon Range(Stack with E)
B Double all bonus weapon range
A Ignore 1 Laser DT
S Ignore 1 Laser DT(Stack with A)
S+ Add 8 weapon Range(Stack with E and C)

Flat Converter

F Increase AP Cost for attack by 1
E Penetrates 8% lethal protection
D Increase AP Cost for attack by 1
C Penetrates 8% lethal protection(Stack with E)
B Converts 50% damage to lethal damage
A Gain 4% Lethality
S Gain 4% Lethality(Stack with A)
S+ Converts 50% damage to lethal damage(Stack with B)

Fire Converter

F Lower weapon range by 4
E Changes the weapon type to fire
D Lower weapon range by 4(Stack with F)
C Lowers the fire-fighter effect by 50%
B Double burning damage
A Lower AP attack cost by 1
S Lower AP attack cost by 1(Stack with A)
S+ Lowers the fire-fighter effect by 50%(Stack with C)

Plasma Converter

F Lower damage by 10%
E Changes the weapon type to plasma
D Lower damage by 10%(Stack with F)
C Always scores critical hits
B +50 Critical Roll
A +50% Critical Power
S +50% Critical Power(Stack with A)
S+ +50 Critical Roll (Stack with B)

Stun Hex

F Cap damage on 300
E Applies a Shock effect on a one-hex attack
D Cap damage on 200
C Applies a paralysis effect on a one-hex attack
B Applies a lost turn effect on a one-hex attack
A Regen 3 AP on a one-hex attack
S Regen 3 AP on a one-hex attack(Stack with A)
S+ Regen 3 AP on a one-hex attack(Stack with A and S)


F Decrease ammo rounds per shot by 5
E 30% chance that a range attack above 10 hexes will bounce to the next target in a 10 hex range
D Decrease ammo rounds per shot by 5(Stack with F)
C bounced damage ignore friendly units(faction/team)
B Increase chance of E to 50%
A +10 Max Damage
S +10 Max Damage(Stack with A)
S+ Increase chance of E to 90%

Heresy Shot

F Increase Attack Delay by 400
E Applies heresy for 4 seconds on the target
D Increase Attack Delay by 400(Stack with F)
C Apply 1 confusion stacks on target
B Apply 3 weakness stacks on target
A +25% Critical Damage
S +25% Critical Damage(Stack with A)
S+ Apply 1 bounty stacks on target

Rad Shot

F Increase reload cost by 50%
E Apply 30 radiation on target
D Increase reload cost by 50%(Stack with F)
C Apply 30 radiation on target(Stack with E)
B Converts 50% of damage into radiation
A Ignore 45% radiation Resistance
S Ignore 45% radiation Resistance(Stack with A)
S+ Apply 60 radiation on target(Stack with E and C)


All perks on weapons can be rerolled by Boyce in Junktown or Vault 8 (yes there are two of him). The cost is in local currency and requires the same amount of currency as the experience required to get that level. The perk added by wattz cores or t4 parts can also be rerolled, which is listed as number 7 in the following table. Rerolling is random, so expect to potentially spend a lot of currency before getting exactly what you want.

Level Cost
1 10,000
2 75,000
3 150,000
4 1,000,000
5 5,000,000
6 50,000,000
7 50,000

Weapon Experience

Total amount of Experience required for equipment to level up depends on its tier, type and current level.

Total Experience Needed = Base Experience Needed * Experience Needed Modifier

Base Experience requirement and Experience modifiers to get specific equipment to a specific level can be seen in tables below:

Weapons EXP Base
NOTE: Patch 5.4
Weapons EXP Base
Tier I Tier II Tier III Tier IV Tier V Tier VI
Level 1 5 000 10 000 20 000 40 000 120 000 600 000
Level 2 37 500 75 000 150 000 300 000 900 000 4 500 000
Level 3 75 000 150 000 300 000 600 000 1 800 000 9 000 000
Level 4 500 000 1 000 000 2 000 000 4 000 000 12 000 000 60 000 000
Level 5 2 500 000 5 000 000 10 000 000 20 000 000 60 000 000 300 000 000
Level 6 25 000 000 50 000 000 100 000 000 200 000 000 600 000 000 3 000 000 000
Weapons EXP Modifier
NOTE: Patch 5.4
Weapons EXP Modifier
Weapon Type Experience Needed Modifier
Fast Pistols 40%
Range Pistols 80%
Damage Pistols 160%
Sniper Rifles 160%
Shotguns 50%
Assualt Rifles 80%
Explosive Small Guns 100%
Support Rifles 120%
Small Machine Guns (SMG) 100%
Flamers 300%
Rocket Launchers 200%
Miniguns 200%
Heavy Sniper Rifles 200%
Machine Gun 80%
Laser Weapons 30%
Plasma Weapons 50%
Fire Weapons 50%
Electric Weapons 50%
Clubes 100%
Fast Knives 50%
Damage Knives 80%
Punch Weapons 50%
Hammers 60%
Spears 200%

See Also