Assassin Allows you to attack while sneaking but while you are not sneaking you deal 75% less damage.
Class Perk Assassin
Level Requirement
- +3 Perception
- You have a 92% chance to not de-sneak when attacking opponents.
- +10% chance to go into sneak when performing any action (regardless of being seen by players or not).
- For each Perception gets +1% critical chance
- While de-sneaked, your damage is reduced by 75%.
- +100 Stealth on battle timer
Gain Special Bonus
Gain Perception +5% Crit Chance
Negative Class Scaling
Agility -1% Damage
Basic Critical Power
Favorite Weapon
You gain +3 range when using Range Pistols
PvE Ability
+25% critcal chance against NPCs
Where to obtain
It can be obtained through dialog with Shadow Junior on Hub near Old town spawn