Melee Damage

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Melee Damage is the Damage dealt in Close Combat
Melee Damage is affected by different Modifiers

  • Level Perks:
Name Req.
Other requirements Bonus
Bonus Battle Stats 6
  • +10% damage,
  • +2 weapon range(not melee),
  • +25 accuracy
Bonus HtH Attacks 18 Close Combat ≥ 180% -1 AP to HtH attack cost
Bonus HtH Damage 3 Close Combat ≥ 75% +9 to melee damage
Death Sense 6 LK ≥ 6
  • Penetrates 20% of the targets total DR
  • penetrates 30% of the targets total DT
Gain Strength 3 Under 19 Total Strength +2 to Strength +5 to special class calculation (Combat Master, Deathclaw, Wrecker)
Hit the Gaps 12 Combat Skill ≥ 150% -50% to your target's armor's critical modifiers
Better HtH Criticals 15 Close Combat ≥ 175%
  • +33% Critical Power for using melee weapons
  • +75% Critical Damage for using melee weapons
Lethal Protection 12 PE ≥ 6
  • Reduce % Lethal Damage as damage resistance
  • 8% death effect res per PE
Right between the Eyes 15 Combat Skill ≥ 200% -90% to your target's helmet's critical modifiers
Spray and Pray 6 Combat Skill ≥ 125% Remove Critical Chance aimed cap
Weapon Handling 3 Ranged Combat Skill ≥ 100%
Cowboy 3 Agility ≥ 10 * +50 AP Regen while using one handed weapons
Firefighter 3 At least 7 Strength
  • 15 Fire and Explode DT
  • -25% melee damage for opponent
  • Immune for Pyromaniac Bonuses
  • 8% confusion res per INT

Weapon Type Scaling

Weapon Type Attack Type Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5/6
Fast Knives Swing 3% 5% 10% 15%
Fast Knives Thurst 5% 15% 20% 40%
Damage Knives Swing 5% 15% 20% 40%
Damage Knives Thurst 15% 35% 50% 70%
Spears Thurst 1% 10% 30% 60%
Clubs Swing 1% 6% 12% 50% 100%
Clubs Thurst 1% 15% 40% 80% 100%
Hammers Swing 1% 15% 35% 40%
Hammers Thurst 5% 25% 50% 65%
Punch Punch 1% 1% 25% 50%

PVE Perks

Name Bonus Rank/Number of ranks
Brute Increase critical chance against NPC by 1% 1/25
Desert Hunter +1% Extra damage against Geckos, Floaters, Centaurs, Deathclaws, Brahmins, Rats, Mantis, Aliens NPC 1/25
Commander Increase damage of NPC followers by 3% against NPC 1/25
Small Ranged Damage +1 Lethal Damage against NPC 1/25
Mini Toughness 0.2% less damage taken from NPC 1/25
Robots Slayer +1% extra damage against Robots 1/25
Mutant Slayer +1% extra damage against Super Mutants 1/25
Murder +1% extra damage against Human NPCs 1/25
Lethal Shield Blocks 2% Lethal Damage against NPCs 1/25
Armor Upgrade Lowers NPC DR penetration by 1% 1/10
Berserker Gives 1% Damage Resistance Penetration against NPCs
  • Doesn't work on Laser, Electro and Plasma damage types