Hit Chance

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Chance to hit your target is calculated differently for Unarmed/Melee and Small Guns/Big Guns/Energy Weapons/Throwing.

Maximum chance to hit

  • Minimum Chance to Hit is 20%.
  • Base Max chance to Hit is 80%.
  • For each missing ST for weapon requirements you lose 5% max chance to hit.
  • For each 50% combat skill gain 1% max chance to hit.
  • Binoculars gain 5% max chance to hit.
  • Military Binoculars gain 10% max chance to hit.
  • Sharpshooter gain 10% max chance to hit and 10% Minimal chance to hit.
  • For each Charisma lose 1% max chance to hit.
  • Long Range weapon perk gain 4% max chance to hit and 4% Minimum chance to hit.
  • In Your Face! Effect always sets chance to hit to 50%, regardless of any penalties and bonuses.

Current chance to hit

  • Start with your combat skill.
  • Divide your target's AC by your ammo AC mod.
  • Deduct 1% per AC of the target after AC mod reduction.
  • Deduct 4% per hex between you and your target (1% if weapon has Long Range perk).
  • Aimed Attack gives you a penalty to hit chance depending on the limb you're aiming for.
  • Darkness should give a minus, but this isn't implemented yet.
  • Obstructions in the line of fire (creatures between you and your target) gives you a certain minus.
  • Weapons with perk Scoped are affecting your chance to hit according to range.

NOTE: The following info was very old and requires confirmation for the current patch:

  • Add (PE-2)x16% for all Long Range weapons(i.e. with a range of 26+) that were already implemented in FO1, or are upgrades of these weapons, (PE-2)x8% for the rest.
  • It seems the other newly implemented Long Range weapons in FO2 are bugged, they only get the (PE-2)x8% while all long range weapons from FO1 had the (PE-2)x16%. (most weapons were implemented in FO1, but if in doubt, google your weapon of interest)
  • The scoped hunting rifle gets (PE-2)x20% instead of the x16% if you shoot at a target that is at least 5 hexes away, or no PE-bonus at all for closer enemies.

Also note, that there are other variables (ex. perks, traits, injuries, obstacles, crafted weapons) affecting your current chance to hit.

See also