Action Points
Action Points (or APs) are the core of the combat system in the Fallout series. While in a combat, the player character can only perform a limited number of actions, depending on his Action Points amount. Healing, shooting, reloading, and picking up items are some examples of actions that will cost you APs. In FOnline: 3, most of the fights are in real time, which means your Action Points will automatically regenerate over time, until they reach your maximum Action Points amount.
Note: Some skills require 5 Action Points to use.
Note: Opening containers requires 4 Action Points.
Note: Using Super Stimpaks requires 5 Action Points.
In Real-Time mode, your Action Points will regenerate with AP Regen
In Turn-Based mode, your Action Points are fully regenerated each turn, so you don't have to save them.
Maximum action points
Your maximum Action Points are calculated with the following formula :
Base Class AP + (Agility/3) + other sources
Base Action Points calculation
Where X is Base Class AP (You can check it in Class Perks page)
Agility | Additional Action Points |
1 | X+0 |
2 | X+0 |
3 | X+1 |
4 | X+1 |
5 | X+2 |
6 | X+2 |
7 | X+2 |
8 | X+3 |
9 | X+3 |
10 | X+3 |
11 | X+4 |
12 | X+4 |
13 | X+4 |
14 | X+5 |
15 | X+5 |
16 | X+5 |
17 | X+6 |
18 | X+6 |
19 | X+6 |
20 | X+7 |
Other AP sources
- +1 for War Event Stat
- +2 for War Event Tier 2 Stat
- +2 for Action Boy
- +1 for Randomboy
- +1 for 2nd Dragon Implant
- +2 for Small Frame
- +2 for Jet
- -1 for Mutie
- -1 for Buffout
- +2 for Ear
- -1 for Jet Addiction
- +2 or -1 for each Randomboy roll
- -1 to +3 for Speed Mechanism
- 0 to +2 for Faster Trigger
- +1 for Soldier
- +5 from 20 Agility Mastery
Sum of base + other sources are increased by 25% Speedboy