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Name Req.
Effect Notes Basic
Cyborg 120
  • Sets the amount of implant limits to 12 combat implants and 15 special implants which can't be increased by Charisma
  • Unlocks powerful third tier of combat implants by installing the same combat implant for the third time after 2 previous installations
  • For each Luck gets +1 extra critical power (on top of what Luck already gives)
  • You become highly vulnerable to EMP damage
  • When above 25 fury stacks you cause EMP explosions around you for 25% of your max HP
  • 0.25% chance to lose 1 Special implant on death
  • 0.05% chance to lose 1 Combat implant on death
  • PvE Ability: Receive 5 more damage from NPCs
  • immunity to bleed effect.
  • You can take this perk in Gecko, Scrapyard
  • You can install and uninstall implants for free at anytime by using ~cmd command

(Please note that if you install implants via the normal method and not with the Cyborg cmd menu, you will lose any implant tokens you would normally receive when you next reroll)

  • You can say random joke by ~cmd command
  • You can craft EMP implants by using ~cmd commands
  • Mr. Fixit works like Healer perk
  • Healing hit-points goes through repair skill instead of first-aid (and requires a tool-kit)
  • To repair your damaged limbs you need to use command ~cmd
  • Healer perk doesn't work for you

Gain Special Perk Class Calculations

Name Effect Notes:
Gain Charisma
  • -5 enemy critical roll (3x Dermal)
  • +10% Fire damage (3x Phoenix)
  • +20 base critical roll (3x Aggressive sensors)
  • +5% stronger critt effects (3x dragon system)
  • +5% total damage (3x claw)
  • +5 Melee damage(x2 if Bruiser) (3x tiger)
  • +5 motion sensor range (3x Tactical)
  • 2.5% Damage Protection (3x Nemean)
  • 5% reduced move speed (3x EMP shield)
  • Getting the Gain charisma level perk gives the bonuses you see on the left provided you have the 3rd Combat Implant of the respective category

Negative Class Scaling

Name Effect Notes:
  • -2% to EMP DR
  • For every point of Perception your character has it also gives the downside you see on the left.

Favorite Weapon

Class: Weapon: Effect:
  • Apply Shock for 1 sec when using clubs

Combat Implants

Be aware that adding even one of either Dragon System or Aggresive Sensor combat imlant will move the cyborg into different bracket of Damage Resistance modification.

Name Tier 1 (requires 30 lvl) Tier 2 (requires 40 lvl) Tier 3 (requires Cyborg perk)
Red Module.gif Dermal Impact Assault Enhancement 4% Normal / Explode Resistance
1 Normal / Explode Threshold
4% Normal / Explode Resistance
1 Normal / Explode Threshold
+4 Damage Threshold cap
4% Normal / Explode Resistance
-1 enemy critical roll for each Charisma
Yellow Module.gif Phoenix Assault Enhancement 4% Fire / Laser / Plasma Resistance
1 Fire / Laser / Plasma Threshold
4% Fire / Laser / Plasma Resistance
1 Fire / Laser / Plasma Threshold
+10% power and +5 sec for Slow
4% Fire / Laser / Plasma Resistance
+3% Fire damage for each Charisma
IRED2.png Aggresive Sensors 15% lower target crit resistance 15% lower target crit resistance
+25% accuracy
15% lower target crit resistance
+4 base critical roll for each Charisma
IBLUE2.png Dragon System +5% Critical Chance +5% Critical Chance
+1 Action Points
+5% Critical Chance
+1% stronger critt effects for each Charisma
IBLUE4.png Claw Module +0.25 AP Regen +0.25 AP Regen
+1 damage for each bullet
+0.25 AP Regen
+1% total damage for each Charisma
IGREEN1.png Tiger Movement +10 Melee damage +10 Melee damage
+10% movement speed
+10 Melee damage
Melee critt tier up
+1 Melee damage for each Charisma (x2 if Bruiser)
IGREEN4.png Tactical Chip +11 Field of View +11 Field of View
-15 to respawn time
+11 Field of View
+1 motion sensor range for each Charisma
Green Module.gif Nemean Armor +10% HP +10% HP
+15 healing rate
+10% HP
0.5% Damage Protection for each Charisma
IRED1.png EMP Shield +25% EMP Resistance +25% EMP Resistance
You cannont crit
+25% EMP Resistance
30-Charisma% reduced move speed